Celebrating 10 Years of Impact 🎉
Launching the $10 Million Campaign to Empower 1 Million Students by 2030
Join us in shaping the future of digital well-being and advocacy for the next generation.
Pioneering Digital Wellness
Nationwide Reach
Collaborative Impact
Measurable Impact
Leave a Legacy
Secure your place in our Catalyst Circle and be a driving force behind the future of digital wellness and education for just $10 per child.
Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of young students across the nation.
Pioneering Digital Wellness
Nationwide Reach
Collaborative Impact
Measurable Impact
Leave a Legacy
Secure your place in our Catalyst Circle and be a driving force behind the future of digital wellness and education for just $10 per child. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of young students across the nation.
Apply now to secure your place in our Catalyst Circle and be a driving force behind the future of digital wellness and education for just $10 per child. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of young students across the nation.
To make a gift by wire transfer, please email kevin.crosby@gmail.com or call 860-561-7704
To make a gift of stock, please email kevin.crosby@gmail.com or call 860-561-7704
Make your donation here through a seamless experience.
#HalfTheStory 29 South Main Street, Suite 325 North, West Hartford, CT 06107
Name #HalfTheStory as a recipient of your matching gift program can double or even triple the size of your donation, regardless of the method by which you choose to give. Please check with your human resources department to obtain the appropriate paperwork. Our EIN is 82-5231180.

Teens are facing a digital wellness crisis
7.5 hours
💰 Where do my funds go?
#HalfTheStory is a high growth NGO and every dollar goes a long way. Help us reach our goal to impact 500,000 youth by 2025.
General Operating Costs
Advocacy Initiatives
Who funds #HTS now?
#HalfTheStory has been backed by some of the world’s leading innovators and foundations, including the Born This Way Foundation (Lady Gaga), Pivotal Ventures (Melinda Gates), Responsible Youth Power Fund, Young Futures, and notable families who are titans in their fields. We partner with those who prioritize people and equity with bold visions. You can call us your moonshot.
Email info@halfthestoryproject.com